The Placement Cell follows transparent placement policy and extends its invitation to companies interested in recruiting our technicians and provides all relevant information. The companies send their consent letter/ Response sheet (a convenient format prescribed by us for planning the campus interview). The Placement Officer in consultation with the company fixes date of campus visit keeping in view the interest of all the concerned.
At Bhushan Pvt. ITI we provide excellent infrastructure to support every step of the placement process and maintain complete confidentiality as per the guidelines provided to us. Following arrangements are always available along with the support of well behaved team of faculty and staff members:
- Auditorium/hall for pre placement talks (150 seats).
- Examination hall for written tests (150 seats).
- Group discussion rooms/Personal Interview Rooms.
Though companies may suggest their own recruitment procedure, Bhushan Pvt.Training Institute recommends the following placement procedure-
1. Companies are requested to mail the enclosed Response Sheet/Consent Letter (having all details and information mutually required for the holding the Campus Recruitment) to the institute. To Download Response-Sheet Click Here
2. The C.Vs of the students interested in the Organization will be made available on our common Trainee C.V. format. Companies opting for their own C.V. forms should dispatch/mail them along with the Response Sheet/Consent Letter.
3. An early intimation of the intended schedule would facilitate arrival at mutually convenient dates.
4. Pre Placement Talk (PPT): The objective of PPT is to provide the students as opportunity to understand the Organization and the recruiting Company to highlight its requirements and the career it offers to the trainees. The recruiting Companies are required to give a PPT before starting their selection procedure in the campus.
5. In some cases company may desire to conduct off campus selection as well. For this company may inform the placement cell at least 7 days in advance.
6. The final job offers as well as the appointment letters of the selected candidates should be routed through the Placement Officer, Bhushan Pvt. ITI.
7. An Introductory letter can be download here (Click Here)
8. For any clarifications and additional information, please contact the Placement Cell on the following address:-
Arpit Soni
Placement Head
Bhushan Pvt. Industrial Training Institute
Sirsi Mod, P.O.Sirsi, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
E-mail –,